IBALab provides performance testing of building facades by varying methods suitable for:
in-lab tests of clients product pre-assembled and delivered, or built in our factory space to suit a test chamber.
at-factory tests of clients products at their own factory through guidance of chamber requirements to house the test sample.
on-site tests of as-builts and installed elements by field checks, chamber based tests or mechanical loading alternatives.
We test to and hold NATA accreditation for AS/NZS 4284, including Seismic Testing and provide testing solutions for the NCC 2022 Verification Method F3V1 (formerly F1V1) for residential and commercial applications.
We conduct impact performance testing by the methods of TN 75 / TN 76 for soft body and hard body impacts and can also perform testing of cyclone debris impact and hail impact.
For in-situ tests of as-builts (on-site testing), we hold NATA accreditation for conducting site water ‘hose’ tests to AAMA 501.2, or water penetration/wind loading and air infiltration/air permeability to AS/NZS 4284 by pressure chamber.
Additionally, we may be able to provide on-site testing to alternate methods such as ASTM E 283, ASTM E 330, ASTM E331, ASTM E 547, AAMA 503, ASTM E 1105, EN 13829.
For hard to reach locations on facades with risk to pedestrians irrespective of exclusion zones, we have conducted testing on select elements of facades by safe, secure, mechanical loading via application of pulling force in substitute to wind load.
IBALab provides performance testing of windows and doors by varying methods suitable for:
in-lab tests of clients product pre-assembled and delivered, or built in our factory space to suit a test chamber.
on-site tests of as-builts and installed elements.
At-factory tests of clients products at their own factory are not recommended in favour of testing in-lab.
Testing is carried out to AS 2047 in-lab. Variation of AS 2047 can be tested to fulfil testing to NZS 411/SNZ TS 421. AS 2047 can be carried out for in-situ tests on as-builts by method of fabrication of a suction chamber, including variants such as AAMA 502
For on-site testing of windows, doors and openings/operable components AAMA 501.2 is not appropriate.
IBALab provides performance testing of sheet roof, roofing and wall cladding by varying methods suitable for:
in-lab tests of clients product pre-assembled and delivered, or built in our factory space to suit a test chamber.
at-factory tests of clients products at their own factory through guidance of chamber requirements to house the test sample.
on-site tests of as-builts and installed elements by chamber based tests or mechanical loading alternatives.
We test to AS 4040, including AS 4040.1 concentrated loadings, AS 4040.2 wind loading for non-cyclone regions and AS 4040.3 wind loading for cyclone regions.
When applicable we can conduct impact performance testing by the methods of TN 75 / TN 76 for soft body and hard body impacts and can also perform testing of cyclone debris impact and hail impact.
Our capabilities include testing by means of cyclic fatigue per AS 4040.3 and NCC 2019 :Spec B1.2:2 in-lab or on-site, including testing within 1-3 Hz cyclic periods.
IBALab conduct on-site water tests by application of a spray nozzle per the method of AAMA 501.2 : Quality Assurance and Water Field Check of Installed Storefronts, Curtain Walls and Sloped Glazing Systems.
Suitable for a field-check of installation, hose testing provides a repeatable and traceable method to evaluate the water penetration resistance of a facade without the hassle and cost of chamber setup and heavy equipment transportation to the test site, as is required to facilitate on-site AS/NZS 4284 or AAMA 503 testing.
The AAMA 501.2 test crudely enacts a fault-finding method for checking the installation of the product by application of a B25 #6.030 nozzle at 30-35 psi applying water perpendicularly to a joint at a distance of 300mm back. It however does not replicate the conditions of wind-driven rain.
Setting ourselves apart, we hold NATA accreditation to AAMA 501.2 as an accredited ISO/IEC 17025 Testing Laboratory and provide traceability and reliability through compliant calibration intervals and checks of our purpose dedicated equipment. Beyond AAMA 501.2 we have the capability and expertise to further evaluate facade performance by more controlled test methods (AS 2047,AS/NZS 4284, AAMA 502, AAMA 503) on-site and in-lab, and to fabricate test apparatus and data acquisition systems suitable for project specific requirements.
Capable of testing to the entire suite of AS 1926.1: Swimming pool safety, IBALab offers the following in-lab services applicable to pool gate fencing systems and pool gate hardware:
• Test for strength and rigidity of barrier openings
• Strength test for posts and footings
• Strength test for rigid barrier components
• Strength test for flexible materials and components
• Strength test for rigid components of gate units
• Test of durability of gate units
By request we’re able to assist in RnD and methods of failure or test to harsher conditions beyond the minimum requirements nominated by the standard and to more realistic usage of pool gate units.
In addition we provide in-lab testing of lockset hardware and furniture to AS 4145.2 and AS 4145.3 to suit durability designations, and to TT-ICP-002 for assessment of winders and window hardware elements.
IBALab provides performance testing of edge protection systems comprising of post, rail or balustrade, assessing the load, deflection or windload performance to the requirements of the National Construction Code (NCC), the loading code AS 1170.1: Structural design actions , AS 1288: Glass in Buildings, AS 1657 and to procedure specified by engineers’.
These services are available in-lab (including temperature conditioning and testing in a conditioned environment) or on-site with proprietary modular test equipment developed to suit various configurations and provide precise accuracy in loading conditions and resultant data-capture of sample performance.
IBALab offers in-lab performance testing of skylight systems to the requirements of AS 4285, effectively evaluating a product for water-tightness, concentrated loading and wind loading to the methods of:
AS 4040.1: Resistance to concentrated loads,
AS 4040.2: Resistance to wind pressures for non-cyclone regions,
AS 4040.3: Resistance to wind pressures for cyclone regions and,
AS 2050
For over-size samples, we can provide guidance on suitable methods of test to ensure accurate testing of the product.
by the methods of AS 2080
Long-term type testing and dew point testing in accordance with AS/NZS 4666 by the methods of AS/NZS 4666 and EN 1279
AS 2050 by the methods of AS 4046.9
by methods of IAPMO PS 106 5.1